Americano, To Go 2/100

Writing Prompt: The Unrequited Love Poem

*Creative writing was my guilty pleasure in college. That, and my semester long course on Viriginia Woolf. Sometimes our professor would take our class outside, under the trees on Bascom Hill in Madison, Wisconsin. We'd read poetry, write, and share our work.


Americano, To Go

It’s been months since I’ve seen you

Did you fall out of your

doppio habit, Starbucks

satellite office?


An awkward game we played

eyes darting from your screen

pretending not to be distracted

I’m willing you

to look at me.


I know you’re married.

That time I ran into you

at a birthday party in the park

screaming 6 year olds, cake

out of context.


It was raining, the last time

I was wearing a black jacket

uniform tall black boots

felt fedora, no umbrella.


You spoke to me

about the weather, my hat


for something more.

